Industrial Disease Claims Leeds

If you have developed an industrial illness, it is more than likely that you will be entitled to compensation. Our Leeds-based lawyers are experienced in handling all work-related injury and illness cases and can help you win the compensation that you rightly deserve.

You employer owes you a duty of care, and if that duty of care has not been met that you are more than justified in seeking compensation. Unfortunately, workplace illness is a common issue in the UK, especially within working environments where harmful substances are handled, such as factories. Across all industrial sectors, it is important that your employer meets a number of health and safety guidelines which protect you and your colleagues. This includes providing you with suitable, well-fitted protective clothing and enforcing strict safety procedures.

One of the most common industrial diseases suffered in the UK is asbestos-related illness. Asbestos is a harmful substance made up of tiny fibers that affect the lungs. In some cases, this can take decades to develop and for symptoms to arise.

Making An Industrial Disease Claim

Claiming compensation for an industrial illness can often be complex, and that’s why it’s important to have a lawyer on your side who has a wealth of knowledge and experience. If you are seeking to make a compensation claim, our lawyers ask that you retain any evidence of your industrial disease that you can. Anything from medical reports to evidence of time taken off work will lend credibility to your case and could influence the amount of compensation that you win.

We understand just how difficult industrial illness is for not only you, but your family too. Our lawyers handle every case with empathy and care, making sure to win a compensation settlement that takes everything into consideration. Where compensation is primarily determined by the severity of the illness or injury, we make sure to account for any lifestyle changes in your compensation package too.

Our aim is to return your quality of life to that which you enjoyed prior to developing an industrial illness. We know that financial compensation can’t undo the pain that you have endured, but we believe that it can make a big difference to your future.

Contact Us

If you suffer from an industrial illness, and are looking to claim compensation, get in touch with us today. We are able to determine whether you are eligible for compensation in no time at all, and can even give you an accurate compensation calculation. If, however, all you want is some free, sound legal guidance, our team are happy to answer any industrial illness-related questions that you may have. Call us on 01132 234 466^

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