Stress At Work in Leeds Claims

Are you suffering stress at work and don’t know what to do? Our solicitors for Leeds could help you today. We understand just how stressful your job can be, with most people feeling as though they can’t speak to their employer directly in case it has a negative effect on their career. That’s where we can help. We have a wealth of experience in dealing with stress and injury at work cases, experience that you could benefit from if you get in touch with us. We handle every claim with great empathy and care and could make a big difference to your life.

Many people feel that there is nothing to be done when it comes to work-related stress. However, this is not the case. Your employer has a duty of care to ensure that the workforce is happy and healthy at work. If you are not being given adequate support at work, this can result in psychiatric issues and, in many cases, anxiety and depression.

Your Employer’s Responsibility

If you are suffering from anxiety or depression, it is your employer’s responsibility to accommodate your condition. This is could include the following workplace adjustments:

  • Extra support or supervision
  • Reduced working hours
  • Reallocation of work
  • Provision of confidential counselling

If your employer fails to manage your work-related stress, then you could be in a position to bring a claim against them. Employers must consider taking the following actions if you flag up work-related stress:

  • Using return to work interviews – this should allow employees to voice concerns after sickness leave with regards to stress-related absence.
  • Creating a stress at work policy – this should give employees guidance on how to deal with the effects of stress at work.
  • Carrying out a stress at work audit – this should encourage employees to list their concerns in respect of stress at work.
  • Training of management to recognise situations likely to cause stress in the workplace, how to a identify symptoms of stress, and how to manage employee’s stress levels.

Make A Claim for Stress At Work

Making a claim with us is straightforward. Our call handlers are able to give you all the guidance that you require, and can even assess whether or not you are eligible for compensation in a matter of minutes. If you are eligible to make a claim, we can start you on your path to compensation in no time at all. All that we ask is that you keep hold of any evidence of your work-related stress that you can, such as evidence of time taken off work and medical reports showing that you have visited your GP about stress and anxiety.

Our lawyers are experienced in handling the complexities surrounding employment law and will fight hard to win you the maximum amount of compensation for your circumstances. We know that taking legal action against your employer may seem daunting, but contact our friendly and understanding team today to find out how we could help.

You can contact on 01132 234 466^ or us by filling in our online enquiry form.

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