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Pothole claims all time high

Posted in: Pothole Injuries Road Traffic Accidents 

New figures have revealed that the number of claims for injuries related to potholes has risen by 750% in the worst hit areas.  This is most likely due to having just endured the wettest winter in England and Wales since 1766, with winter flooding causing significant road damage.  The AA said that despite the Government’s emergency help, totalling £383million, this is just a “drop in the ocean” compared to what is needed to help the problem. 

Campaigners argued that pothole damage has already cost drivers £730million, with a firm belief that this figure will only continue to grow.  Council chiefs have predicted a “road crisis” as road conditions continue to worsen with every spell of bad weather. The road industry recently calculated that it would take around £12billion and over a decade’s work to bring the country’s roads up to a good and safe standard.

“Fighting chance of avoiding personal injury”

Warranty Direct suggested the introduction of temporary warning signs, claiming that if each one saves three cars from damage, they would in fact pay for themselves. Warranty Direct managing director, David Gerrans, said: “With potholed stretches of road affecting many road users on a daily basis, there’s now real cause to create dedicated signage. Let’s give people a fighting chance of avoiding unnecessary garage bills or even personal injury.

The Department of Transport told campaigners that it had made £183.5million available to English Councils in emergency funding to help with the most damaged roads. A further £200million has been made available in the Budget for a Pothole Fund across the UK – including £168million in England.

If you have suffered an injury on the road, and are looking to claim compensation, please contact us


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