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Schools payout £1.5m in compensation

Posted in: Leg Injuries Public Place Accidents School Accidents 

It has been revealed, following a recent Freedom of Information request, that schools paid out £1.5million to pupils last year through personal injury claims. The total figure went out to 150 pupils, including one claimant who won £4,000 after suffering burns from an icepack following a playground fall. The pupil received compensation from Gateshead council, and was said to have suffered the burns due to the lack of instructions on the pack.

Of all the payouts made by Local Education Authorities in England, the majority of them were claimed as a result of sports accidents. In Barnsley, a child that was hit by a goalpost won £19,162 in compensation, where another child in London was awarded £18,500 by Lambeth council after breaking their leg when vaulting a hurdle.

‘compensation culture’

With growing concerns of the UK adopting a ‘compensation culture’, experts have highlighted that the total bill for councils following injury payouts, when legal costs are included, could be double, at around £3million. Questions have been raised over recorded claims such as a child who won £7,500 after getting a splinter from a wooden bench.

Pupils and their families were able to claim compensation for these incidents on the grounds that they should have been protected by the authorities. A spokesperson from the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers said: “It is quite correct that children have the right to pursue redress for avoidable injury.

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