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European Parliament adopts report on asbestos

Posted in: Asbestos Exposure Employer Negligence Industrial Deafness and Disease 

The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament has adopted a report on dealing with the problem of asbestos, reports the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).

The report is largely in line with the stated aims of the ETUC and organisations representing asbestos victims in different countries.

The report explores the different areas in which the European Union can intervene, and calls for a policy that protects workers and the population effectively.

It notes that millions of tonnes of asbestos in existing buildings and facilities continue to represent a health hazard in Europe, and calls on the European Commission to implement a coherent strategy.

The report recommends establishing a registry for buildings containing asbestos, which will:

The report was adopted by a very wide majority: 40 votes for, two against and one abstention. Its adoption is all the more important as the European Commission has not defined the contents of the occupational health and safety strategy for the period 2013-2020, says the ETUC.


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